Sculptor Portfolios
Portfolios are available for viewing for all membership classes. We are proud to represent a wide variety of fine artists with unique skills and individual styles. Each artist may be contacted directly through the Email link on their portfolio page if you wish to discuss a potential commission project with them.
Professional sculptor portfolio pages will include several images, artist statement and brief biographgy, and links to a website and a CV. Contact information is optional. Current members from North and South America include:
International sculptors are welcome as members in full standing. Current International members include:
Mark Richards - UK | Karen Newman - UK | Neal French - UK | Martin Jennings- UK |
Hiro Kawabata - Japan | Shangxi Zhu - China | Alex Kolozsy - Australia | Jane Hamilton - UK |
LiviuSandu- Romania |
In the company of sculptor Jo Davidson and journalist Ernie Pyle, Helen Keller studies with her fingers the surfaces of Davidson’s bust of Pyle, 1944. From Eisenstaedt: Remembrances